Kel is a Japan-based writer and evangelist of DigitalCube Co. Ltd. Advanced Consulting Partner of Amazon Web Services and Code Poet WordPress Consultant. They were the first in Japan and all of Asia.
WordPress や AWS に関連するローカルミートアップの開催や、WordPress タガログ語版を始めとしたオープンソースソフトウェアの翻訳者、バリデータをしています。
Kel helps organize local meetups and international hands-on trainings and workshops related to WordPress and Amazon Web Services. She’s also a translator and validator of WordPress in Tagalog language and translates other open source projects.
WordCamp Polska 2014 speaker
WordCamp Brisbane 2015 speaker
Why WordPress Contributions Drive us to the Road of Innovation / WordPressへの貢献がイノベーションに繋がる理由
- 7/26(日曜日) 16:45-17:00
- 2Fセッション講堂