Final Story : Completed the 3D Wapuu’s figure!

Hi, I’m Kimiya Kitani, a member of WordCamp Kansai 2016.

Today, I’m glad to be able to introduce the final story for the 3D Wapuu!
Kassy-san, a member of WordCamp Kansai 2016, is the 3D Wapuu’s creator of WordCamp Kansai 2016. And then, he started the serialized report at this site.

The first story is Advent of 3D Wapuu!
The second story is Let’s challenge to print the 3D Wapuu to the 3D Printer!
The third story is Nightmare printing error! And then…

I would like to introduce the final story in English.

Hi, I’m Kassy, a member of WordCamp Kansai 2016.

I’m glad to post the final (fourth) story of the 3D Wapuu 🙂


I could print 3D Wapuu through many trials and tribulations.

Congratulations to me?
No, it has not ended yet!

“Final Story : Completed the 3D Wapuu’s figure!” の続きを読む

Third Story : Nightmare printing error! And then…

Hi, I’m Kimiya Kitani, a member of WordCamp Kansai 2016.

Today, I’m glad to be able to introduce the second story for the 3D Wapuu!
Kassy-san, a member of WordCamp Kansai 2016, is the 3D Wapuu’s creator of WordCamp Kansai 2016. And then, he started the serialized report at this site.

The third theme is “Nightmare printing error! And then…”.

The first story is Advent of 3D Wapuu!
The second story is Let’s challenge to print the 3D Wapuu to the 3D Printer!

I would like to introduce the third story in English.

“Third Story : Nightmare printing error! And then…” の続きを読む

Second Story : Let’s challenge to print the 3D Wapuu to the 3D Printer!

Hi, I’m Kimiya Kitani, a member of WordCamp Kansai 2016.

Today, I’m glad to be able to introduce the second story for the 3D Wapuu!
Kassy-san, a member of WordCamp Kansai 2016, is the 3D Wapuu’s creator of WordCamp Kansai 2016. And then, he started the serialized report at this site.

The second theme is “Let’s challenge to print the 3D Wapuu to the 3D Printer!”.
(The first story is here).

I would like to introduce the second story in English.

“Second Story : Let’s challenge to print the 3D Wapuu to the 3D Printer!” の続きを読む


WordCamp Kansai 2016 実行委員会 広報チームの kimipooh です。

WordCamp Kansai 2016の会場となる「大阪大学豊中キャンパス 大阪大学会館」への道順の予習はバッチリですか!?

そこで今回この場をお借りして、WordCamp Kansai 2016の会場となる「大阪大学豊中キャンパス 大阪大学会館」への道順についてご紹介致します。

“会場までの道順について” の続きを読む


WordCamp Kansai 2016 実行委員会 広報チームの kimipooh です。

WordCamp Kansai 2016 開催まで一ヶ月少しとなりました。


  • 阪急宝塚線 石橋駅 (会場まで)徒歩13分
  • 大阪モノレール 柴原駅 (会場まで)徒歩15分


“宿泊施設エリアとホテル情報” の続きを読む

WordCamp Kansai 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!